For many people, emotional intelligence (EI) is an innate strength; some people can perceive, control, and evaluate their emotions with ease, while others require practice in this area. EI is something that everybody in our society ought to have; it’s the ability to manage emotions effectively and respond accordingly to various situations. This ability is […]
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Grounding for anxiety: evidence based practice and practice-based evidence
Clients can, and often do, present for counselling in a mildly, or even highly anxious state and counsellors frequently use ‘grounding techniques’ for the alleviation of both acute and chronic anxiety. Here, we explore the techniques seen as most effective from an evidence-based point of view but additionally consider the thoughts of counsellors in practice […]
- February 20, 2023
- 0
- 11614
- Clinical Mental Health, Counselling Theory & Process, Neuroscience, Private Practice, Uncategorized, Wellness
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The Neuroscience of Habits
This article explores the neuroscience of habits: what habits are, how they form, and how to build good habits (and break bad ones).
- May 25, 2022
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- 7286
- Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness
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Strategies for Creating (or Destroying) Habits
In a previous article, we defined habits, looked at how they are formed (through the lens of Duhigg’s and Clear’s models), and then outlined the science behind them. According to James Clear’s Four Laws of Behaviour Change (2018), there are four steps to establishing a habit: cue, craving, routine, reward (Clear, 2018). This article is about how we turn the above steps into practical actions/advice that can help clients not only alter the way they do things, but also make the changes stick.
- May 24, 2021
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- 12973
- Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness, Wellness
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The Science Behind Habit Formation
Oh, here we go again! You’ve got a wonderful new smart phone – or maybe a computer – with all the bells and whistles, but how do you make it work? How do you get from one screen or one app to the next? Chances are, the first day will involve a bit of brainwork; you’ll notice what happens when you push this button or come to that screen and you may feel slightly clumsy working it, but after a day or two, you will be so used to the new device that you will forget how the old one operated. So, from the brain’s perspective, what just happened?
- January 7, 2021
- 0
- 8816
- Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness
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7 Powerful Strategies to Help Your Child Balance Their Brain Budget
This article has been republished with the permission of Superpower Kids. Superpower Kids develop fun, engaging social and emotional learning programs for children aged 5 to 10 years. You can find more informative articles like this at Superpower Kids Blog It never feels good to blow your budget and go into overdraft. Yet, going into […]
- January 5, 2021
- 1
- 3510
- Children & Adolescents, Neuroscience, Relationship & Families
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Dreams and Counselling
How do you respond when your client asks in distress: “Why am I having all these wild dreams?”? Do you know what purpose the client’s dreams may be serving? If your honest answer is “no”, you are not alone. While theories on why we dream abound, it’s hard to get at dreams directly. The main […]
- November 7, 2018
- 0
- 11106
- Counselling Theory & Process, Neuroscience, Spirituality & Religion
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Problem-Solving: The Definitions and the Need
How sharp are your thinking and problem-solving skills? If you are like most people, you hope to make a difference to your world. And if you are now — or soon will be — a member of just about any trade or profession, you will be asked to solve problems, usually on a daily basis, […]
- June 20, 2017
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- 22446
- Career Development, Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness
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Ten Commandments of Brain Fitness
Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it helps to keep us human beings alive, brain-wise. The basic idea of mind/brain fitness is to give your brain the best workout possible (to keep it growing and developing) by continuing to challenge it. The moment you find something is second nature, that is the moment to […]
- May 24, 2017
- 1
- 5712
- Ageing Issues, Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness, Wellness
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Learning Tips: 11 Techniques to Improve Your Memory
Having a tough time learning new concepts? In this article, we boost your learning capacity with eleven bullet-proof techniques to improve your memory: chunking, transfer of learning, memory palace, funny imagery, peg system, eliminate unrelated associations, explain to others; study with others, put yourself in the picture, use mechanical aids, use your passion, and learn […]
- April 12, 2017
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- 8615
- Neuroscience, Personal Effectiveness
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The Gut-Brain Connection
What if I offered you a holiday which either tasted good or during which you would look and feel good? Which would you choose? Would you rather eat and drink whatever you like from that laden holiday buffet or be in a good mood – and feel healthy – while you stand around it? The […]
- December 22, 2015
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- 6082
- Neuroscience, Wellness
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Hard-wired to Connect: Mirror Neurons and Empathy
Many people have suspected for a long time that we human beings are designed to be able to experience things happening for another person: in good times or in bad. So we see a stranger clumsily bump their head on a low-hanging branch at the park, and we flinch, too. We hear that a friend […]
- September 29, 2014
- 0
- 11868
- Clinical Mental Health, Neuroscience
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