In most cases a child will not tell an adult that they are being bullied and the school may not be aware of any subtle changes in a child’s behaviour. Therefore it is crucial for parents to identify when their child is experiencing a problem. If you have noticed that your child’s attitude, behaviour or emotional responses have changed recently, the issue of bullying should be considered.

Children and adolescents respond to difficulties growing up. As they develop their behaviour and personality will change. This is natural. However some behaviours are not natural signs of healthy development and should be identified and linked to specific problems.

In the event of a child/adolescent being bullied there are a number of ways that this will be expressed. The following list is some the most reported signs of bullying:

  1. Coming home with cuts and bruises
  2. Torn clothes
  3. Asking for stolen possessions to be replaced
  4. ‘Losing’ lunch money
  5. Asking for money or starting to steal (to pay the bully)
  6. Falling out with previously good friends
  7. An unwillingness or refusal to go to school
  8. Feeling ill in the mornings
  9. Being moody and bad tempered
  10. Being quiet and withdrawn
  11. Starting to stammer, lacking confidence
  12. Bed wetting
  13. Crying themselves to sleep, having nightmares
  14. Insomnia
  15. Anxiety
  16. Wanting to avoid leaving the house
  17. Aggressive with brothers and sisters
  18. Wagging school
  19. Doing poorly in their schoolwork
  20. Refusing to talk about what’s wrong